Friday, January 09, 2009

Nothing will be the same again

Let me tell you why this feeling...

One of the last 2 movies which I caught on New Year's eve was Twilight and Ip Man. Yes, 2 movies on the same day, one hour break in between. It was sort of a movie marathon as my sister managed to secure 3 free movie tix, of which, the condition was to use it on the same day as dec 31 was the expiry date. And since she had watched Ip Man and has whole heartedly recommendeded it to me, I decided to watch it alone... while she will watch twilight with me.

After the 2 movies, my sis even took the trouble to sms me to ask for my review of Ip Man. Well, this was the first time she did that. I guess she really idolised Donnie Yen after the movie Ip Man. Ha. But much as I enjoyed the movie, I would say that the vivid images in my earlier movie was still encapsulated in my mind, and would have affected my mood for the latter one. So, sorry sis, I still prefer twilight.

It was an irony that when the movie 'twilight' first started, I hadnt got a faint idea that the movie has already started cos there wasnt the usual intro. It was a minute later that I (or we) figured out that the movie has started. I guess it was also becos there was only abt 15 minutes of trailers and commercial as compared to the usual 30 minutes practice at gv. It was lucky we werent late or I will certainly regret it.

As the movie plot unveils itself further, you will somehow get more and more thrilled. Some Twilight fans have said that the movie wasnt as good as the book itself but I find that it wasnt very fair to say that cos the actors and actresses in the movie really did a great job portraying the characters. Besides, you cant really squeeze in one whole book of events in only 90 minutes of movie right? Except maybe it is a little pity that the character, Alice was given less emphasis in the movie as compared to the book.

Now that I have watched the movie, it really sparked off my interest to read the other twilight saga series. And nothing will be the same again. Reading the story really somehow changed part of my feeling abt family, love and sacrifices.

It was really one of my regrets that I simply ignore the books when it was still in stock before the movie started. So now, i am sort of searching high and low for them. But well, I am sure there will be stocks soon.

By the way, filming for New Moon (2nd Book after twilight by Stephanie Meyer) will be starting soon. It will be on big screen in end Nov in US so perhaps dec in Singapore again? Meanwhile, enjoy the trailer of the movie if you have not catch it (or let it recap yr mind if u have seen it). I am sure you will all like it no matter what. My fav scene (also my sis') was when the Cullens played baseball in the woods and how Edward protected Bella from the untamed villain vampires.

To look at the trailer, click the link:

Related websites:
3. (Newly added)

4. (Newly added)

P.S. I will be keeping a close track to this Twilight Saga. If you are also a fan, keep coming back or also add on more updates pleasse. Thanks!

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