Saturday, January 03, 2009

A fresh new year!

Hey hey.. Happy New Year 2009!! Say goodbye to yester-year...

Anw, it is always unbelievable that the year can pass by so fast. On this day last year,I was still a year 3 student, looking fwd to the end of the year so that I can graduate, find a job, earn money and pay off sch loan. In essence, to step into the working society once again.

but things seem to be not within my expectation yet, cos I am still unemployed now. ah! I know this is my very first post in 2009, so I better quit being pessimistic! So anyhow, I am not gonna lose my fighting spirit.. I will get a job i want! Well, I have to!

So a fresh new year often means some new new resolution. In past years, I seldom publish my new year resolution cos I never bother to achieve them. So when i decided to do so this time round, an article from BBC states that "Resolutions 'bad for your health'".... ha... but I have still decided to go ahead and state mine here.. let's see if I manage to complete them by 2010?

1. Find a job I want
2. Learn basic Japanese or any 3rd language
3. Be more patient and tolerant twds others

and newly added to the list after new yr lunch and afternoon tea with felicia, nick and company...
4. Lose weight!

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