Wednesday, September 03, 2008

is your blog a blog?

Now, ever since I attended yesterday's lesson on blogging, this question continues churning in my head-What exactly constitutes a blog? Does a url that ends with,, automatically imply that your blog is really a blog? Seriously speaking, I for once did believe in so. Until yesterday's class.

During our small group discussion, some points were raised by me and my colleagues (whom I prefer to refer as 'classmates') to support our stance for what consitutes a true blog. Here are the points:

- there should be frequent entries or blog posts
How frequent is frequent then, you would ask. my personal guide is: at least once weekly or fornightly, you wouldnt want to disappoint your followers by letting them wait for your updates isnt it? But, if you submit blog entries every few hours, I would say, I would feel so overwhelmed. So, use your own intuition will u? Quality matters apart from quantity.

- own writing style, content and personality
it wouldnt be called a blog if you purely copy other people's content or discussion. So yeah, have some originality or personality in your blog so that it adds value for those who read your blog.

-engagement and interactivity
blog should allow readers to comment and interact with you and others. connectivity is the key here.

- RSS feeds
it is not exactly a must but RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is becoming more common recently. it allows readers who subscribed to your blog posts to receive updates of your new entries.

Having raised up the factors mentioned above, at the end of the day, i would say that there is no real boundary to what is a true blog, only pure guidelines. Now, is my blog a blog? I would say yeah, because I said so. =p

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