Saturday, January 02, 2010

New Year New 'Gear'

2nd day of 2010- My first post of the year.

It has been months since i wrote a post. Considering all the non-stop workload and birthday/christmas meet ups with frens, not surprising.

My mom have been complaining that she hasnt seen me much lately so for the past 3 days, I have been good, spent some time with my close ones. But I know my Jan and Feb will be burnt out as well and there will be complaints again.. but worry abt it later...

Ok, so new year new resolutions right. I never follow them but no harm coming up with a few... and 1 year later on the 1st day of 2011, I can see if I achieve them...

1. Shed some kilos.. (this is a tough one cos I just had 3 buffets within 2 weeks. Hai)
2. Sleep earlier (to get rid of dark eye circles and tackle my tired eyes)
3. Not to bring work home (quite easy to achieve but sometimes bringing work home is the best solution cos there are quite a bit of distractions at office at times)
4. Save more $ (spent quite a bit during the dec period.. need to start saving liao. Loan repayment starting soon!)
5. Start to learn driving
6. if possible.. find a boyfriend...not that I am desperate.. but i think sometimes love will really make a woman feel more radiant and younger. (not proven or tested but shd work)

That's about it i guess...

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